Sunday, 27 March 2011

Some Pieces of Saturday


Saturday, March 26th 2011. Pasar Jatinegara, Bus 948, Restoran Seafood.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Gara-Gara Si Oom

Kemarin-kemarin ada yang tanya "Mana ceritanya?" "Boleh lihat ga cerpennya?" "Tentang apa ceritanya?"
So, here it is, Cerpen yang kemarin dilombakan di Lomba Menulis Cerpen-nya Sekolah Tinggi Menulis Jogja, dan Thanks God ada diurutan buncit, nomor 9 dari 10 pemenang cerpen kategori Gokil. Selamat membaca!

“Cari Oom-Oom yuk Ghin!”. Aku langsung menghentikan langkahku begitu mendengar omongan ngaco temanku satu ini.

“Hah? gila kamu Wid!”, timpalku sambil melotot ke arah Widya, kaget.

“Lho, ya kan iseng aja Ghin. Siapa tahu nanti kita bisa dibayarin, biasanya kan Oom-Oom suka begitu, hihihi”, balas Widya konyol sambil cekikikan.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Street singing Alias Me-nga-men

Lagi banyak yang mau dipost sebenernya disini, tapi males ngetiknya dan lagi susah waktunya. Jadi dicicil dulu ya satu-satu, hehehe.

Owwaight, sekarang cerita kejadian malem Sabtu dulu yaaa.

Day, Date: Saturday (Night), March 11, 2011
Time: around 9.00 p.m

Place: Tebet Utara Dalam

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Another Repentance

This is such a horrible day for me and I hate myself for today.
You know why? Because I-AM-LATE (again) for the don't-know-how-many time.
Ya ya, I know I'm terrible on coming on-time. I have known that for sooo long time ago. But, I'm still a great late-comer 'till now.
Doesn't mean that I don't ever try to change that bad habit, I do want to change and I have been trying, yeah, maybe I'm just not success yet.

So, from what I had on this second day of March, now I come for 3 quick resolutions, and I'm really really mean it. Trust me! hehe :)

1. First of all, BE ON TIME!
I am trying to come on time and avoid lateness. I have to. I absolutely have to.

2. Stop Procrastinating!
Procrastinating never helps, or at least soo seldom helps. it makes things worse.
Wasting time for something unimportant is so BIG-NO-NO. So I have to stop being a procrastinator. I don't wanna be a devil's friend. And I don't wanna spend my whole day just like this:

3. Being Diligent and Discipline is a must.
No excuse for my self and always try and try and try again to be a discipline person.
Actually, my daddy often talks about this topic with me. He knows me so well actually, but I just never listen and never do what he ask me to do, I mean, being a discipline person.
So, what do I have to do then?
Um... I have to train myself to be more discipline than ever. No Excuse for myself and Never will be. Yak!

This is not the first time I decide to make a resolution. I have made it so many times. But they're just end up with no realization. So, consistency is urgently needed here, for sure.  Don't give up, talk less do more and keep trying, myself!