Wednesday, 29 February 2012

29 February

Hi guys, just wanna say, happy 29th-day-of-February :)

Nothing special on this day actually, it just makes me remember about something. Maybe we are one of them who have ever grumbled that 24 hours per day is not enough, maybe we are one of them who have ever said we need more time to finish our works, maybe we are one of them who often say "so little time, so many things to do".

SO, maybe, today is the 1-day-bonus given by God to answer all of our complains.

Then, maybe it's us who have to re-think; is it really a matter of time? Or maybe it is us who always procrastinate and make 24 hours seems never enough? You know your own answer :)

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

InsyaAllah or InshaAllah

A (little bit) serious post this time, ehehe. Yesterday when I had chat with my friend, he said InsyaAllah when I said InshaAllah, and now I am getting curious about it. So today, when I was blog-walking and browsing here and there, I remembered about this 'InsyaAllah or InshaAllah' thing, then I started googling to find the answer (yes, google is my best friend forever, indeed).

So, in arabic this how we write it: إن شاء الله (means: God Willing). Then, come to the question, which one is correct? InshaAllah or InsyaAllah? 

You know, arabic is the language of Islam, but then not all muslims speak it. So that's why there are some differences when transliterating arabic letter into alphabets. The  letter in Arabic is written as 'sheen' (shin) in English while we muslims in Indonesia, Pakistan, India and Malaysia, usually write it in a different style. We write  as 'syin', so this is where the difference comes from.

So basically, both are same, there is no difference when we pronounce it. It's only a writing difference in every country, it still refers to the same meaning, and I think it does not really matter as long as we pronounce it right.

Wallahu a’lam bish-shawabi. Cheerio! :) 

Friday, 3 February 2012

Ritual Pasca UAS

Ujian semester kelar, saatnya senang-senang! Post kali ini isinya ga jauh-jauh dari jalan-jalan alias hang out, tapi yang satu ini agak beda sedikit, namanya jalan-jalan geng riset. Jalan-jalan wajib yang cuma ada setiap akhir semester, dengan saya, @utitatituteto, @ardalitaa, @dwickyputra, dan @dimasdotadi sebagai personil tetapnya.

Jadi sejarahnya, waktu semester 3 kemarin, ada mata kuliah yang namanya Business Research alias Riset Bisnis.  (Un)fortunately,  kita berlima ada di satu kelompok yang sama dan harus bikin satu riset dan hasilnya dipresentasikan di pertemuan terakhir di semester 3. Risetnya waktu itu tentang fast food gitu deh. Kalo diinget-inget, rasanya riset kelompok kita kayaknya yang paling simpel dan yang paling sering kena semprot sama Bu Tri (read: sang dosen Riset), tapi ga apa-apa, justru karna Riset-lah ritual jalan-jalan ini ada. Nah jadi, setelah semester 3 selesai dan Riset kita juga selesai, lupa gimana sejarah lengkapnya tapi pokoknya kita memutuskan untuk jalan-jalan bareng, salah satu alasannya kalo ga salah ya untuk merayakan terlepasnya kita dari si Riset dan embel-embelnya itu. Jadilah kita jalan-jalan dari siang sampe malem, keliling-keliling Jakarta, wisata kuliner dan melakukan hal-hal senang-senang lainnya di salah satu hari di masa liburan UAS semester 3, 4, dan sekarang 5.

Nah, semester 5 ini, kita jalan-jalannya hari Kamis, tanggal 2 Februari. Agendanya yaitu.... pergi makan sate padang di jalan Cikajang, photo box dan nonton The Muppets di XXI PIM, lanjut ke surabi Enhai, mampir bentar di McDonalds, karaokean di Inul Vista, plus ketawa-ketawa dan foto-foto tanpa kenal lelah pake digicam-nya Uti. Intinya sih, MENYENANGKAN! :-)

*tulisan ini dibuat sebagai catatan untuk diri sendiri, karna suka lupa dan suka ga percaya kalo waktu itu berjalan dengan sangat cepat, ehehe*

I love you, geng riset! :p
Annisa Sudibyo

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


Found this nice article on Surfer Girl Facebook Page

Family Running!

As I have told in previous post, I spent my holiday together with my HMM family on Thursday till Friday, January 26-27, at Cisarua, Puncak. "Family Running" was the theme for this holiday, because we were going to play some games and it's inspired by "Running Man", one of amusing reality show in Korean TV. I was one of committees for this holiday, and there was so much FUN! These are some pieces of it, enjoy! *since it's gonna be a looong post* :-)