Monday 1 November 2010

My Random Thought

Have you read that sentences above? I got it when I opened my old magazines several weeks ago, little part of some psychology’s article on that magz. It’s kind of “survival tips” to mend your broken heart, from them who had been there for so many times.
And I think, I read that article in almost- exact time. I read it when I have just broken up with my boy or now becomes my friend.
See the first sentence? I like it most! Agree with those words, that we ought to let go something that is not good for us. Nice statement for almost all problems. But don’t misinterpret my meaning, yang saya maksud sesuatu yang ngga baik itu adalah sikap-sikap negatif yang suka muncul saat kita dihadapkan sama suatu masalah atau persoalan dalam hidup kita. Whatever the problem is. The easiest example, time when-and-after you broke up, as I have mentioned before. You would be lying if you say there are worse pains than that one thing, because it’s painful, rite? or am I exaggerated? I guess no, haha.
Okay back to topic, sikap-sikap negatif yang muncul itulah yang nggak baik buat kita, misalnya (in broken heart case): rasa ingin balas dendam, murung sendirian, suka bengong, nggak peduli sama keadaan diri sendiri, mengurung diri di kamar and still sooo many examples I can’t mention one by one. Sikap-sikap negatif dalam menghadapi masalah-masalah, itu tuh yang nggak boleh dipelihara lama-lama dan harus dibiarin pergi, because they are not good for us at all. So just let them go away from our life! Because we have to learn from past, live in the present, and think about the future. Living in the present moments not only makes us happy, but it also helps in creating wonderful memories that will make us happy in the future.
Apapun masalahnya dan apapun sikap negatif kita, I think we should not let the negative stay and take our time. We have to make it positive! Because, whatever your problems are, life must go on, dunia nggak bakalan berhenti sejenak menunggu sampai kita bisa melangkah lagi. And don’t forget, my lovely readers, seberat apapun masalah kita, kita nggak pernah sendirian. Karena semua orang punya sahabat dan keluarga yang akan ngingetin kita untuk keep our chin up and go on living! J
And how about the second and third sentence? I just like the analogy somehow, hahaha. Besides, maybe it will work buat kalian yang memang baru aja putus cinta, yah lumayan kan buat membangkitkan semangat dan mencetak lengkungan kecil di bibir kita sehabis ngebaca kalimatnya :p

With love and spirit

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