Tuesday, 14 February 2012

InsyaAllah or InshaAllah

A (little bit) serious post this time, ehehe. Yesterday when I had chat with my friend, he said InsyaAllah when I said InshaAllah, and now I am getting curious about it. So today, when I was blog-walking and browsing here and there, I remembered about this 'InsyaAllah or InshaAllah' thing, then I started googling to find the answer (yes, google is my best friend forever, indeed).

So, in arabic this how we write it: إن شاء الله (means: God Willing). Then, come to the question, which one is correct? InshaAllah or InsyaAllah? 

You know, arabic is the language of Islam, but then not all muslims speak it. So that's why there are some differences when transliterating arabic letter into alphabets. The  letter in Arabic is written as 'sheen' (shin) in English while we muslims in Indonesia, Pakistan, India and Malaysia, usually write it in a different style. We write  as 'syin', so this is where the difference comes from.

So basically, both are same, there is no difference when we pronounce it. It's only a writing difference in every country, it still refers to the same meaning, and I think it does not really matter as long as we pronounce it right.

Wallahu a’lam bish-shawabi. Cheerio! :) 


Mayang A. Primadhani said...

additional information hehehe:

>> in english
'sha' :/ʃa/
ʃ : shy, cash, emotion

>> in bahasa
ﺵ : sya/syin (so, in bahasa it would be 'InsyaAllah')

So there's no differences between "InshaAllah" and "InsyaAllah", like you said before :) .
As long as it's pronounced by the right language there won't no change with the meaning . 'cause all of those syllables are useful for adjusting it into arabic pronunciation

semoga bermanfaat..
Allahu a’lam bish-shawab

rizki_ris said...

Kunjungan pagi sobat
terima kasih sudah difollow dan saya sukses memfollow
jadi tidak ada perbedaan makna ya??

puramoz said...

bingung juga ya sobb,,,

Shea Lu said...

thank you and woah your learning German? That's pretty awesome :)I don't know many people who learn German. Is it thought in School?

thank you and i followed back, like your blog ~ and Tschüß :D


klo dari ilmu yg pernah aku ambil waktu ngaji, klo yg dibacanya syin itu yg di atas nya ada titik 3, sdangkan shin biasa itu yg ga ada titik di atasnya, jd pasti beda arti :) . karena pengucapan dlm tajwid itu harus benar , itu ilmu yg aku pelajari yahhh :)

Annisa said...

Hai Sheila,
iya kamu betul sekali, jelas kalo yg ada titik 3 nya sama yg ga ada pasti beda pengucapan dan bisa salah arti kalo ketuker.

Tapi, yang dibahas disini adalah perbedaan penulisan ﺵ (yg ada titik 3 nya) menggunakan alfabet di berbagai negara.

Kalo di Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, ﺵ ditulis sebagai "sya/syin". Sedangkan kalo di negara-negara lainnya, ﺵ ditulis sebagai "sha/shin".
Tapi pengucapannya sebetulnya tetap sama, karena 'sha' itu diucapkan sama seperti kita mengucapkan shy atau cash di bahasa inggris.

That's why, saya berasumsi bahwa sebetulnya insyaAllah (ejaan indonesia) dan inshaAllah (ejaan inggris) adalah sama.

Thanks for commenting, btw. :)