Friday, 14 December 2012

No Calls

Source: Google
It was a so-so evening when my phone rang, a call from unknown number. I was in my room, browsing random stuffs on my notebook. I picked it up. I heard a lady voice ensuring that she called a right number. Then, I had a quite quick chit-chat with her before she hung up. Actually, I could say that it  was a happy call (not that famous happy call pan, of course). She told me that there’s a manager in her company want to do a phone interview with me.

So, yes, I was very-wery-berry happy at that time. She told me the date and the exact time when the manager would call. I memorized it and waited for that day to come. Excitement.


Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Hanging Out with Old Friend

Meet my high school friend, Nanda, last Monday and we spent our time all day in Grand Indonesia (yes,  expensive, I know). Actually, I don't really like Grand Indonesia that much (except it's interior design) because I don't feel like I am part of their market segment. I usually go here just for watching movie at Blitz or eating with friends. Shopping? Not interested. Because I am not a branded type and it just doesn't feel right if I spent my parents' money for buying something that sooo expensive, hehe. But may be I would love to go shopping here when I become financially independent :)

I went to Yoshinoya, Marché, Gramedia, and Blitz at that day. All of them are not a new thing for me except Marché. Yes, I haven't been there before. So, let me share my first exploration here.

19th Birthday's Wishes

I'm turning 19  on 27th November. Thank you & amin ya rabbal 'alamin for all the birhday wishes! And  thank you too for the presents :) By the way, people tend to make life resolutions when they're having their birthday, no? I don't usually do that, but if I have to make a resolutions before I turn 20, it would be:
  1. Being more organized and less spontanious. (Because you know, sometimes I hate myself to the fullest when I become an expert-procrastinator).
  2. Graduate, get my bachelor degree, and make my parents cry (...because of happiness).
  3. Financially independent. Aaamiiin....
  4. Going abroad. Wherever outside Indonesia, because I don't care about the destination, I just want to go abroad.
  5. Growing mature and loves Allah more and more and more.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Not Enough

Source: Tumblr

Allah selalu punya cara yang indah untuk mengingatkan hambanya. Walaupun hambanya seringkali terserang virus amnesia dan lupa seketika meski telah diingatkan berkali-kali. Tapi tetap Allah ga pernah lelah dan terus memberikan tanda kasihnya dalam hal kecil yang simpel dan seringkali ga disadari.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Hari Ini

Hari ini saya membaca banyak sekali komentar dan opini yang sangat beragam seputar berita Gaza, Palestina. Sebagian besar mengecam keras perlakuan Israel terhadap Palestina, sebagian mendukung Israel, sebagian lagi mempunyai salah satu dari dua opini tersebut namun merasa tidak perlu membicarakan dan memulai perdebatan lewat media sosial karena menurut mereka itu tidak relevan dan sia-sia.

Sebagian ada yang menulis opininya di website atau akun sosialnya masing-masing (mungkin seperti yang sedang saya lakukan sekarang) dengan versi dan pemahamannya masing-masing. Tentu saja, setelah tulisan tersebut di publish, pada akhirnya memunculkan opini-opini baru dari para pembacanya, sebagian setuju dengan apa yang ditulis, sebagian sangat bertentangan dan melontarkan komentar-komentar pedas.

Tujuan saya menulis tulisan ini bukan karena saya juga ingin ikut melontarkan komentar saya tentang Palestina dan Israel. I just want to write on my own blog, for my own reminder, that people in this world really see problems from various perspectives, and I often get confused after reading so many different opinions sampai-sampai saya jadi blur di sisi mana sebenarnya saya berdiri dan pendapat apa yang saya punya untuk masalah-masalah yang saya baca tersebut.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Hiburan Hore

Udah pada tau kan ya kalo hari ini adalah Harpitnas alias hari kejepit nasional. Nah, daripada garing karena bengong-bengong aja di kamar, saya dan teman saya nan cantik jelita (sebut saja namanya Hesti, hahaha) akhirnya memutuskan untuk jalan-jalan ke toko buku dan hypermarket. Emang ga jauh sih jalan-jalannya, deket banget malah, kalo istilahnya anak muda jaman sekarang, "kepeleset aja nyampe" hahaha :)) Eits, tapi jangan salah, walaupun deket jalan-jalan ke tempat belanja gitu bisa tetep me-nye-nang-kan dan refreshing, yuhuuuuuu~

Nih, tips (ga penting) ala-ala Annisa dan Hesti kalo supaya hari-hari kalian lebih berwarna saat pergi ke hypermarket manapun, hahaha.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

My Internship Story

"Ini hari terakhir kamu ya Annisa? Haduh anak manis, jangan sampe ada yang ganggu yah..."

kira-kira begitulah kalimat yang diucap sama Pak Ekel di hari Jumat (7/9) kemarin, yang seterusnya saya udah ga fokus lagi dan rasa-rasanya kok kayak ada yang mau keluar dari mata ini. Akhirnya saya cium tangan beliau aja dan ga ngeliatin muka beliau karna takut beneran nangis. Pak Ekel sendiri adalah senior officer consultant di MBDIna (singkatan untuk Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia) sekaligus my new favorite man. Beliau sangat kebapakan, ramah, dan care sama seluruh pegawai lain di MBDIna. He often gave compliment & comforting words for us in the middle of our works, and for me, it's really comforting. He is 72 year-old and still so energic. Rasanya kayak punya kakek yang kerja di satu kantor sama saya, hehe.

Waktu Pak Ekel bilang begitu, saya emang lagi salam-salaman dan say good bye sama mba-mba dan beberapa mas-mas dan bapak-bapak disitu karna hari itu memang hari terakhir saya kerja sebagai anak magang disitu. Sudah genap dua bulan saya magang dan ada beberapa alasan yang membuat saya (pada akhirnya) memutuskan untuk tidak memperpanjang kontrak magang saya. But, over all, it was an amazing 2 months for me experiencing new stage of life.

Dan sesungguhnya saya adalah orang yang sangat ga seneng sekaligus emosional sama yang namanya perpisahan. Hari itu juga sama, saya memang berhasil untuk tidak nangis di kantor; tidak saat salah seorang mba-mba meluk saya; tidak saat saya berjalan ke pintu depan diiringi ucapan dadah dadah dari beberapa orang; tidak waktu saya mengembalikan nametag internship saya ke ibu sekretaris; dan tidak juga waktu saya akhirnya melangkah keluar dari gedung Deutsche Bank. Tapi iya saya nangis pas udah duduk di atas Kopaja P20 yang setiap Senin-Jumat selalu saya tumpangi dari Menteng sampe Kuningan selama 2 bulan belakangan ini. Berawal dari ngelamun sendiri ngeliat keluar jendela bis, dan akhirnya nangis beneran. Dasar cengeng.


Melanjutkan cerita di post ini, yes finally I got a good news I've been looking for. Thanks God. Masih segar diingatan tentang hari pertama saya magang disitu. Berangkat pagi-pagi dan menunggu 20 menit di depan meja resepsionis sampai akhirnya supervisor saya datang dan mengajak saya naik ke lantai 18 (resepsionis ada di lantai 17, btw) dan mengenalkan saya sama semua orang di kantor. Hari pertama ngantor was a total confusion, karna di hari itu juga, saya langsung dijejelin ilmu seputar COMSYS, Global Ordering Portal, bikin new order, macam-macam tipe mobil, etc. etc. Tapi ya seneng sih, berarti isi otak sedikit bertambah kan? hahaha

Not gonna tell y'all about all my works stuff or any routine things I did there, because I know it will be boring to read. I'll tell you what I've got there, instead. Dan yang saya maksud dengan "got" adalah  semua yang beneran saya dapat selama disana yang kelihatan wujudnya, bukan sesuatu yang abstrak macam pengetahuan atau pengalaman baru (karna kalo itu kan udah pasti and no need to mention, no?).

Jadi, satu hal yang saya suka sebagai anak magang disana adalah budaya bawalah-makanan-untuk-teman-kantor-saat-anda-ulang-tahun, yang mungkin juga menjadi budaya tidak langsung di banyak perusahaan lain. Luckily, selama saya magang disitu, ada banyak orang yang ulang tahun! yang berarti... ada banyak makanan gratis, hahaha (dasar mental anak kos). Kadang-kadang walaupun ga ada yang ulang tahun, tetap ada makanan yang dibagi-bagiin ke semua pegawai. Entah itu ibu sekretaris yang tiba-tiba order burger karna alasan yang saya ga tau sampe sekarang, atau ibu-ibu yang lagi iseng bikin mie goreng sebelum ngantor dan dibawain buat kita-kita, atau para bapak-bapak yang baik hati dan bagi-bagi toblerone mini dan cupcakes. Intinya, seru sih. Oh iya, saya juga pernah dapet kaos gratisan karna ada salah satu manager yang lagi beres-beres ruangan dan akhirnya membagikan semua barang-barang merchandise ga kepake di ruangannya.

So, last but not least, tentunya ucapan terima kasih buat seluruh pegawai MBDIna, especially my supervisor, Mr. Yudi Lesmana (now, I know his full name). If you (somehow) read this post, thanks a bunch for letting me in to your team. It's a pleasure. And for every stupid mistake I did, I have no other words but sorry. I had some fun in your company :) May the next intern of your team is better than me. Once again, super thaaaanks Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia ;)

Friday, 31 August 2012


Buka Puasa bareng @MGMT09 
Makan-Makan bareng Keluarga

@ Bakso Sony with highschool friends

Thanks, August.

Before I start writing about my August, let me say Happy 67th Independence Day Indonesia & Eid Mubarak! Still, better late than never, right? Hehe.

My life this August is full of new experience. August permits me to taste different flavor of life, it allows me to play a new role. No longer college student, but transformed as a full-time-worker who goes to office from Monday to Friday, sits and talks with monitor from 8 to 4, all with different suit, worker style. August also teach me new understanding and new way of thinking. Being an intern, you know, is not that easy (nor that hard too, anyway. Being CEO is still harder, tho hahaha). But yea, it's tricky, I mean, you have to know your position, where sometimes people look down on you or ask you to do things that usually done by office boys; when some parts of you refuse but some others realize that you still have to do that. It gives me new understanding about "you do really have to climb before reach the top". Maybe, I'll tell you more about my internship experience on the next post. Then, Ramadhan is also happened on August this year, and finally I was able to meet my family and celebrated Eid Al-Fitr together, also met some of my old friends and my high school teachers. So refreshing. You know sometimes you get motivated by listening others story and sharing yours.

And yes I am ready for another adventures on the next and next and next months. Still have many things to be done, and many dreams to be realized. Never-give-up, Ciao!

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Korean Grill with My Girls

Me, @utitatituteto, @ragatniaclara, @melisefrina, @mayangalfina, @hestiaura & @bonita_sari at Korean Grill (03/07) after doing our Financial Statement Analysis' Final Exam.
p.s: there's no Bonita picture not because I hate her lho ya hehe, but because she didn't want to be pictured at that time :)

Korean Grill
Mediterania Gajah Mada Residence, Ruko Unit C9
Jln. Gajah Mada No. 174, Jakarta

Saturday, 30 June 2012

End-of-June Post

Waktu selalu berjalan sangat cepet ya kayak yang sering saya bilang kalo lagi bikin post disini, hehe. Sekarang udah akhir Juni aja deh tau-tau, yang artinya kita udah menghabiskan separuhnya tahun 2012. Kalo diliat dari sisi akademik, ternyata eyke udah mau masuk semester tujuh yah. Pusying cyiiin~ hahaha :p

Bulan Juni-Juli-Agustus tahun ini buat saya jadi agak complicated kayak status facebook karena ada banyak hal yang harus dilakukan dan dikerjakan. Ada UAS yang masih belum selesai juga (padahal kampus lain udah selesai UAS dari satu dekade yang lalu zzz); ada juga yang namanya magang, yang selalu sukses bikin was-was dan galau sampe kebawa mimpi (sebenernya emang saya sih yang tukang mimpi kalo lagi tidur, hal-hal ga penting macem iPhone 5 yang baru diliat pas browsing sebelum tidur aja bisa jadi obyekan mimpi saya); trus ada juga jalan-jalan angkatan 2009; juga acara-acaranya ISAFIS tercinta yang tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah Jakarta Model United Nation (JMUN) 2012 dan Indonesia International Week (IIW) 2012. Hebatnya, mereka semua bersatu dalam melodi dan irama, dengan tanggal yang nyaris samaan dan dempet-dempetan persis orang naik kopaja pas jam pulang kerja. :s

Jadinyaaa sekarang dengan sangat menyesal yah harus ada yang dikorbankan deh. Kali ini yang harus dikorbankan adalah jalan-jalan angkatan yang seyogyanya *halah* bakal diadain dari tanggal 6 sampai 8 Juli, karena tanggal 6 juga bakal ada Opening Ceremony IIW 2012 dimana saya mau ikut bantu-bantu plus ngerecokin plus lagi ketemu bule-bule, hahahaha; dan di tanggal 7 saya musti ngejemputin 7 anak-anak Laos di bandara (dan sepertinya juga bakal jadi tour guide dadakan + gratisan) karena mereka bakal jadi participants JMUN 2012 yang dimulai tanggal 9 Juni. Padahalnya lagi, tanggal 9 Juni itu (seharusnya) adalah hari pertama saya magang, tapi berhubung sampai saat ini masih menunggu jawaban dari  si Perusahaan, yaudah deh yuk mari enjoy aja, haha. Tahun ini juga ga bisa ikut IIW ke Jogja dan Bali kayak tahun lalu karena harus ngurusin kejelasan magang tadi. Tapi tak apa-apa, ntar saya deh yang susulin tu bule-bule ke negaranya masing-masing (amiin), hehehe.

Sekian curhatan saya kali ini, intinya mah I wanna get rid of this final exams and start enjoying my summer holiday, as soon as possible, please. Sampai jumpa di curhatan-curhatan ga penting lainnya di kemudian hari. Babay!

Press Release Indonesia International Week 2012

made by @Putche

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

My Interview Story

Photo Source: here

I had my first internship interview last Monday afternoon at Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia, the office building is located at Imam Bonjol Street, near Bundaran HI.

Several weeks ago, I sent my application to Mercedes-Benz for an internship in marketing division, it was my very first application because until I write this post, I haven’t sent any other applications to another companies. So, I sent my cover letter, internship application letter, GPA transcript, and also my CV to their HR Department, and surprisingly, on Wednesday (20/06) I got a phone call from Mercedes-Benz and the lady on the phone said whether I could come for an interview on Friday morning or not. I directly said that I could make it, and its deal. But, the next day, she called me again and said that the interview had to be cancelled because the interviewer had another business, and the interview was rescheduled to be on Monday at 2 p.m.

Fenny's Birthday

@elz_fenny 21st birthday (21/06)

Sunday, 17 June 2012

No Keep Calm, (You)th

What's Up?

Miss my lovely page :)

How's life, dear self? Hmm... life's good, thanks for asking, haha.
So now, I am on my way of finishing my sixth semester, have just finished my A2.1 level in my German Course, and have just sent internship application because I have to do internship in my seventh semester. (is it that near to the 7th semester? Oh yea, I am getting older). Experiencing many great moments but sadly, lately I didn't capture pictures. And oh yes, my laptop is broken! My laptop is broken when I so freakin' need it to do piles of tasks. Fortunately, angel-without-wings is do exist, if you know what I mean :)

A2.1 (read: A-zwei-ein) Klasse

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Try to Deal

Experience is a hard teacher because it gives the test first and the lesson afterward — Vernon Law

Hi all, here I come back blogging about another random thought that have just pooped on my head. This time is about dealing.

So, just for your unimportant-common-knowledge, I lost my phone 3 weeks ago when I was hanging out with some great friends, we were so happy, laughed out loud, and I feel that it was one of amazing days of mine, until it turned out become a ‘blank moment’ when I realized that my phone was not there in my bag. I tried my best to make it come to me back, but maybe God have the different plan, so yea, now I am officially lose it.

But what I want to tell is not about my sadness of losing that phone or how mad I am with the one who took it out from me, what I want to tell is that what happened to me makes me realize thing that maybe I have ever realized before but forget it right away, that is dealing. Life is about dealing, dealing with the situations, dealing with others, dealing with your friends, dealing with imperfections, anything. Dealing for the fact that we’ll never know what future’s gonna give us. Maybe sometimes we feel uneasy, or think that life is unfair, but as long as you believe that God is the best scenario maker, you’ll believe that life is gonna be always fair, it is, by its own way. If your life was a film, then God is able to give you  twists, not only at ending, but at any part of your life that you will never expect. And every twist will leave you with a new life lesson.

As many people say, when life gives you lemons, just try to make a lemon tea, that way you will still able to enjoy your life. If you don’t like lemon tea, maybe you could try to  sell it and start to become a lemonade tycoon. There are may ways to enjoy life even at the what-you-think-the-worst-time-of-your-life, rite? So, I want to believe that when something (that I think) bad happen, something good is waiting for me afterward.

my lovely "research team" friends

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Let's Start Drooling!

Hi all, do you love eating?
Me? Of course I do. No doubt, haha.

But then, if I change the question to "do you love cooking?", is the answer still the same? ehehe.
Me? Not really. Even when I'm doing so, I would rather say that I am experimenting, not cooking. Why? First, I'm not a pro, indeed; second, it's simply because whenever I try to make some food, it ends up like trial and error, sometimes it pan out, sometimes not.

But, like Michael Hunter said, "Learning does not happen from failure itself, but rather from analyzing the failure, making a change, and then trying again". So never give up, even a pro chefs have to try a same recipe a thousand times to get the best combination and flavor.

Eventhough I am not a chef and not good at cooking, I do looove visiting cooking blogs and seeing all delicious food pictures on it. And actually, what I want to share to you all here is some cooking sites that I visit most. You should visit too, and start drooling like me, hahaha.

taken from The Pioneer Woman
What I love the most from this sites, besides the delicious food photos, is the step-by-step-process photos of the recipe cooked by the owner of this site. For me, photos can explain more than just text, no?

taken from For The Love of Cooking
More delicious food photos attack! hahaha. This site is also nice, it does not post every-step photos, but ingredients photo in the beginning of every post is clear enough to explain the readers who wanna try the recipes.

taken from No Recipes
What else could you expect? Full of high-resolution-food-photos, this site can make me drooling :9 Maybe photos can motivate you to start cooking something, who knows?

And still many sites to be written here, I also visit this, this, this, and soooo on. I love cooking visiting cooking sites!

Have you start drooling, anyway? :p

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Saturday, 24 March 2012

My Very Own Cupcake

Hola! Today, my Saturday morning was filled up with productivity. I woke up early and went to campus for joining seminar and workshop about culinary business, more specifically, cupcakes! It was not only an ordinary talk show, but also... practice. Yes, each participant was given one cup cake to be decorated and 100 gr basic fondant. Tons of fun!
Surprisingly, everyone made a very very cute decoration for her/his own cup cake. Wanna see some of them? Just scroll down :)

@ragatniaclara, @linnosa02, @lisanasan, @widyayulitaps, @mayangalfina cupcakes

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Indonesia International Week 2012

"Indonesia International Week (Indonesia IW) is a student exchange program under the International Week Coordinator Organization (IWCO). IWCO sets the standard IW operating guidelines for all organizing countries such as Japan, China, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Turkey, Italy, Spain, and other European countries. In Indonesia, IW is organized by the Indonesian Student Association for International Studies (ISAFIS). International Week is distinctly unique compared to other similar programs as it is a short term student exchange program encompassing discussion and seminar which focus on spesific issues.
IW as ISAFIS’ annual program hopes to become a vehicle to help build friendlier relationships with countries around the world and voice to the world Indonesia’s existence and development ,also its diverse our traditional culture.
International Week’s participants are students from top universities in their respective countries and also members from influential organizations (International Student Association/ISA). The majority are either graduates in Management/Business or still studying for their master’s degree. Participants are quite competent in business as they have undergone professional work experience in their own countries. The large investment needed to pay for air fare to Indonesia return indicates each participant’s strong interest in Indonesia’s business development and culture.
Indonesia IW participants continued to increase in numbers. Through IWCO, we have wide access not only to Western European countries but also Central, Southern, Northern, and Eastern Europe." (text copied from ISAFIS website)

So, guys, come and join in our Indonesia International Week (IIW) 2012! This year, IIW is going to be held from 6-18 July in 3 big cities in Indonesia, Jakarta, Jogja and Bali. It's gonna be fun, I guarantee. So, what are you waiting for? Join now! Download the application form here GOOD LUCK ;)

Thursday, 1 March 2012

ISAFIS Inauguration, Bekasi 25-26 February 2012 (photo source © Fadhil)

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

29 February

Hi guys, just wanna say, happy 29th-day-of-February :)

Nothing special on this day actually, it just makes me remember about something. Maybe we are one of them who have ever grumbled that 24 hours per day is not enough, maybe we are one of them who have ever said we need more time to finish our works, maybe we are one of them who often say "so little time, so many things to do".

SO, maybe, today is the 1-day-bonus given by God to answer all of our complains.

Then, maybe it's us who have to re-think; is it really a matter of time? Or maybe it is us who always procrastinate and make 24 hours seems never enough? You know your own answer :)

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

InsyaAllah or InshaAllah

A (little bit) serious post this time, ehehe. Yesterday when I had chat with my friend, he said InsyaAllah when I said InshaAllah, and now I am getting curious about it. So today, when I was blog-walking and browsing here and there, I remembered about this 'InsyaAllah or InshaAllah' thing, then I started googling to find the answer (yes, google is my best friend forever, indeed).

So, in arabic this how we write it: إن شاء الله (means: God Willing). Then, come to the question, which one is correct? InshaAllah or InsyaAllah? 

You know, arabic is the language of Islam, but then not all muslims speak it. So that's why there are some differences when transliterating arabic letter into alphabets. The  letter in Arabic is written as 'sheen' (shin) in English while we muslims in Indonesia, Pakistan, India and Malaysia, usually write it in a different style. We write  as 'syin', so this is where the difference comes from.

So basically, both are same, there is no difference when we pronounce it. It's only a writing difference in every country, it still refers to the same meaning, and I think it does not really matter as long as we pronounce it right.

Wallahu a’lam bish-shawabi. Cheerio! :) 

Friday, 3 February 2012

Ritual Pasca UAS

Ujian semester kelar, saatnya senang-senang! Post kali ini isinya ga jauh-jauh dari jalan-jalan alias hang out, tapi yang satu ini agak beda sedikit, namanya jalan-jalan geng riset. Jalan-jalan wajib yang cuma ada setiap akhir semester, dengan saya, @utitatituteto, @ardalitaa, @dwickyputra, dan @dimasdotadi sebagai personil tetapnya.

Jadi sejarahnya, waktu semester 3 kemarin, ada mata kuliah yang namanya Business Research alias Riset Bisnis.  (Un)fortunately,  kita berlima ada di satu kelompok yang sama dan harus bikin satu riset dan hasilnya dipresentasikan di pertemuan terakhir di semester 3. Risetnya waktu itu tentang fast food gitu deh. Kalo diinget-inget, rasanya riset kelompok kita kayaknya yang paling simpel dan yang paling sering kena semprot sama Bu Tri (read: sang dosen Riset), tapi ga apa-apa, justru karna Riset-lah ritual jalan-jalan ini ada. Nah jadi, setelah semester 3 selesai dan Riset kita juga selesai, lupa gimana sejarah lengkapnya tapi pokoknya kita memutuskan untuk jalan-jalan bareng, salah satu alasannya kalo ga salah ya untuk merayakan terlepasnya kita dari si Riset dan embel-embelnya itu. Jadilah kita jalan-jalan dari siang sampe malem, keliling-keliling Jakarta, wisata kuliner dan melakukan hal-hal senang-senang lainnya di salah satu hari di masa liburan UAS semester 3, 4, dan sekarang 5.

Nah, semester 5 ini, kita jalan-jalannya hari Kamis, tanggal 2 Februari. Agendanya yaitu.... pergi makan sate padang di jalan Cikajang, photo box dan nonton The Muppets di XXI PIM, lanjut ke surabi Enhai, mampir bentar di McDonalds, karaokean di Inul Vista, plus ketawa-ketawa dan foto-foto tanpa kenal lelah pake digicam-nya Uti. Intinya sih, MENYENANGKAN! :-)

*tulisan ini dibuat sebagai catatan untuk diri sendiri, karna suka lupa dan suka ga percaya kalo waktu itu berjalan dengan sangat cepat, ehehe*

I love you, geng riset! :p
Annisa Sudibyo

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


Found this nice article on Surfer Girl Facebook Page

Family Running!

As I have told in previous post, I spent my holiday together with my HMM family on Thursday till Friday, January 26-27, at Cisarua, Puncak. "Family Running" was the theme for this holiday, because we were going to play some games and it's inspired by "Running Man", one of amusing reality show in Korean TV. I was one of committees for this holiday, and there was so much FUN! These are some pieces of it, enjoy! *since it's gonna be a looong post* :-)

Tuesday, 24 January 2012


One post after finishing my Cost Accounting final exam. Never ask about how it was, because I don't know what sentences I should say to describe it. Too complicated, you know.

Anyway, yesterday I got a very happy news when I opened my email. Guess what? Letter of acceptance from ISAFIS. yeay! So, now I am officially an ISAFISian, more specific, Media Relation Staff of Division of Foreign Affair and National Relations. Danke schön, Gott :-)

Right after being accepted as a part of it, I am gonna have my first inauguration with all the members on January 28-29, at Puncak, West Java. The thing is, I also have a spend-holiday-together schedule with my HMM family on January 26-27, and yeah you are right, it takes place at Puncak too. So, my whole days in this weekend will be spent on traveling back and forth between Jakarta - Puncak, I guess. Somehow I am tired just by imagining it, hahaha.

Because I have been jumping from one topic to another in this post, let me continue my randomness by posting these photos, let's call them Memories of Last Year. Here they are!

Tidung Island, September 23rd-25th

My Birthday, November 27th

Hangout with Goethe Fams, Desember 21st
photo source: Andin
photo source: Andin


Friday, 20 January 2012

Follow Your Heart, Take Your Brain With You


Hasty post before I sleep. Look at the quotes above, love them all :) After surfing here and there... then I found a lovely blog that posts those superb qoutes, and still many more if you visit it. Actually the blog is not only about quotes, the author also posts about fashion, beauty, shopping and photography, interior design, and so on. "This blog is a celebration of style in all its forms", said the author. 

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Are you happy? I hope you are, cause I am.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

source: Google

*maapin yak norak, lagi suka sama boneka danbo soalnya, hehe