Friday, 25 November 2011

me love you more than everything

Dear mom,

Just wanna say write that I miss you, much. I have just watched a very-heart-touching movie, and it all ends up with so much tears and so many thoughts about me and you, and what we have done together, what we cannot do together now, and what I am going to do—still—together with you.

Thank you for loving me, even since I haven’t born. Thank you for not only being my super mom, but also my super amazing friend who understands me best and willing to listen all my stories even when you are tired. Thank you for all the things you have been giving to me, especially your 24/7 love. Thank you for your prayers, thank you for everything.

Sorry for not being able to be on your side anymore. Sorry for making you upset. Sorry for those unacomplished expectations. Sorry for not telling you about everything happened to me in any single day I pass, that we used to do :) And still a bunch of sorry for my uncountable mistakes to you.

The day after tomorrow is my birthday, and I wouldn’t spend it with you. I wouldn’t have that very first wake-up-birthday-greeting from you, like I always had when you enter my room in the morning to open my window. But, then, it’s not a problem at the end. You always tell me that life is hard, and we have to be able to survive. You also tell me that no need to cry, because we always have God by our side. You told me many things, uh? :))

Wherever I am and wherever you are, we will still send a prayer to each other everyday, rite? There is no need to be sad because this is only the beginning. You said, maybe someday I will go further to reach my dream—a dream that I always tell to you—and it means not seeing each other for the long time. Even for not seeing each other forever when one of us has to come back home. And we have to be ready. :)

Whatever it is, I am super duper glad to be your child. And no matter what, I love you forever, mother.

With so much love (and tears) :p
Your only daughter.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

End-Of-October Post

Ga kerasa yah bulan Oktober udah mau abis aja. Habis itu bulan November, terus bulan Desember, teruuus... jeng jeng! udah tahun baru 2012 deh. Time flies so fast, no?

Sekarang, dengan ga kerasa juga, saya udah jadi mahasiswi tingkat tiga, kalo istilah inggrisnya, udah junior year, udah tinggal dua tahun lagi (paling lama) duduk di bangku kuliah. Terus habis itu saya ngapain ya?
Bahkan saya masih blank mau ngapain di masa yang hanya tinggal beberapa ratus hari lagi itu. x_x

Yang sekarang ada di otak saya, di masa depan saya harus bisa merealisasikan mimpi untuk kuliah di luar negeri, lebih tepatnya kuliah di Eropa, lebih tepatnya lagi kuliah di Jerman. Maunya saya, saya bisa bikin skripsi dengan mulus, terus lulus S1 tanpa hambatan sebelum umur saya 20 tahun, bikin mama sama bapake nangis-nangis (nangis bahagia maksudnya), terus bisa dapet beasiswa dan lanjut kuliah lagi di Jerman, paling lama 3 tahun setelah saya bergelar S.E. Dalam waktu 3 tahun itu? Entahlah. Maunya saya (lagi), ya kerja dulu -tapi ga tau dimana, belum dipikirin- supaya bisa punya pengalaman dan menuh-menuhin rekening tabungan.

But yes I realize that life is not a fairy tale, life is not about "what-I-want", it's about "what-I-have-done". Saya sih sebetulnya udah agak sadar dikit kalo hidup itu harus punya perencanaan dan strategi yang jelas, dan lebih dari itu, pelaksanaan yang baik dan konsisten. Tapi sepertinya saya emang baru sebatas "agak sadar" aja, tapi belum sepenuhnya sadar untuk bikin arah yang jelas untuk muara hidup saya sendiri.

Tau pertanyaan yang bikin saya tertohok yang saya baca belum lama ini waktu mau isi salah satu application form?

The Birthdays

-Meli & Bonita Birthday Bash (30/09 & 29/10)- :)

Friday, 28 October 2011

Selamat Hari Sumpah Pemuda!!!

Delapan puluh tiga tahun yang lalu, pemuda-pemudi Indonesia punya semangat yang berkobar dan keberanian yang menyala-nyala, serta ngga gentar untuk speak up. Mereka berani menyuarakan isi hati dan keinginannya untuk merdeka, sehingga muncullah deklarasi Sumpah Pemuda.

Bagaimana hari ini? Apa kabar pemuda-pemudi generasi kita? Jangan pernah mau kalah yah! Indonesia harus lebih keren di tangan kita!

Selamat Memperingati Hari Sumpah Pemuda!

 p.s.: klik Lihat yang teman-teman kita lakukan untuk Indonesia yang lebih 'KEREN'! :)

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Friends in Need, Friends Indeed

Finally, after a long long long and super long time... I'm back. Actually, during this past four months, there are so many events that could be written here, but I just couldn't. My laptop must be reinstalled, and I'm too lazy to do blogging through another laptops or campus' computers. But, then, I've got my laptop back now, so I can write again. :)

But I'm not feeling well right now, guys. Low Trombosit and it could be a dengue fever symptom, said the doctor in hospital today. And maybe tomorrow I have to go back home because my parent is extremely panic (Actually, my condition ain't that bad, really). But it'sOK to worry mom, it means you love me, right? Hehehe.

But, above all the sickness and all things I'm facing, I do really really want to send a super big bunch of thanks for all my friends-in-need, who have helped me a lot  this week. When your family worry about you and help you when you down, yes they have to because they are your family. But when your friends, whole-heartedly, bear their hands and help you out, then you have to thank God for having them in your life. And yes, thank God, I still have so many kind-hearted friends who want to help me and pray for me.

Get Well Soon, Dear Self!

Source: tumblr

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Kemauan yang Melahirkan Kesempatan

Selesai mengikuti Indonesia International Week 2011 yang diadakan oleh ISAFIS kemarin, saya dapat banyak pengetahuan dan pengalaman baru, dan pastinya juga teman-teman baru. Baik yang produk lokal, maupun produk impor asal Eropa dan bahkan ada yang made in China.

Tapi yang mau saya share sekarang adalah, produk-produk lokal teman-teman baru asal Indonesia yang punya semangat tinggi untuk menjalin koneksi dan ikut terlibat dalam pergaulan internasional, dan dengan kemampuan komunikasi menggunakan bahasa Internasional yang juga sudah tidak diragukan lagi. sehingga mereka memang memiliki apa yang disebut dengan capability.
Siapa mereka? Mereka adalah teman-teman ISAFIS yang saya kenal saat ikut acara IIW kemarin.

Bertemu mereka, seperti menemukan sebuah komunitas baru, dimana "ritual-pergi-ke-luar-negeri" adalah hal yang biasa (tentu tujuan utama perginya tentu bukan dalam rangka liburan atau jalan-jalan ya). Sebagian besar dari mereka, rata-rata sudah pernah menginjakkan kakinya di negeri orang, entah untuk ikut simulasi sidang PBB atau yang biasa disebut Model United Nation, atau mengikuti International Week, dan mungkin kegiatan-kegiatan lainnya yang saya tidak tahu.
Kagum? Pasti. Berkenalan dengan mereka, seperti mendapat energi positif dan motivasi yang intinya "Mereka aja bisa, kenapa kamu engga?"

Obrolan saya dengan salah seorang teman, sedikit menyadarkan saya akan satu aspek lagi yang kemarin sempat 'ketinggalan' dari pikiran saya, seputar "pergi-ke-luar-negeri".

Saya: "Hebat ya mereka, udah kemana-mana."
Si teman: "Bukan hebat, yang benar itu mereka kaya-kaya. Lo juga bisa pergi kok, asal ada duitnya."

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Eleven Incredible Days in My Life (Indonesia International Week 2011)

Well... First of all, greetings from me! :)

I have finished my Indonesia International Week 2011 and I have so much things to tell and write here. I started that incredible week on July 2nd (Jakarta) and must have it ended on July 13th (Bali).

July 2nd
On this day, we had an Opening Ceremony in the evening (5 - half 9 p.m.), it took place at Bakrie University (my university! red.). Participants from foreign countries did a presentation about the original country they come from, while the local participants presented about the province we live in.
Well, not all the participants did a country/province presentations because there were some of us who hadn't come to Jakarta; for instance, 2 of 3 participants from Spain and participant from Bandung.

Friday, 1 July 2011

First Poster of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2

Can't wait!

Kpop Fever

Habis browsing sana-sini, daaaaan.... menemukan fakta menarik!
Ternyata ga cuma Indonesia aja yang sekarang punya boyband dan girlband ala-ala korea kayak SM☆SH dan 7 Icons, karna Malaysia sang negara tetangga juga punya lho. Check this one out.


Nah, ini dia girlband asal Malaysia-nya. Nama grupnya GulaGula, personilnya terdiri dari 6 orang cewek-cewek manis (katanya lho ya). I think we've already know the hope behind giving "gulagula" as their group's name, rite? "We are sweet just like sugar".

Nah kalo yang ini boyband-nya! Personil grupnya ada sembilan, dan nama grupnya 24:7, daaaan.... belum menemukan penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang arti dari nama grupnya. Nih, ada lagi foto-fotonya mereka.

Put your clothes on, guys, ati-ati masuk angin.

ini kocaaaak!

Dan tadi ketemu komentar kocak seputar grup ini, mari disimak.

"No wonder orang jadi langsung nuduh nih band Maho! Nih grup namanya 24:7... Iya, kita juga heran kok namanya gitu! emang dese2 itu endorsenya McDonald sampe bisa diorder 24 jam 7hari seminggu kali yee!!! Katanya mereka digadang-gadangkan jadi saingan SM*SH!!!
Aduh gila bener nih boyband Malaysia!!! Super PD abis dengan pudel dan perutnya yang kagak sixpack mana PD Gila dengan sempak kolor merek crocodilenya! Mana pose sama make upnya aneh bin ajaib! noh foto terakhir kek mau nari piring segala! Ahhh Masih bagusan SM*SH deh kemana-mana!
Jangan sampe nih boyband datang dimari ya, nanti kita timpuk rame2!!!!"

Well, itu cuma salah satu opini ya guys, saya sama sekali ga bermaksud memprovokasi atau kawan-kawannya, cuma sharing karna emang kocak abis begitu baca ini tadi.

Jadi, intinya bukan tentang gimana penampakkannya girlband dan boyband Malaysia ini, tapi wabah Korea yang sudah merebak kemana-mana. Terlepas dari suka atau ngga suka sama hasilnya, saya salut sama orang-orang Korea yang udah bikin industri entertainment mereka sedemikian rupa, sama drama-dramanya, sama Kpopnya, dan semua-semuanya, yang pada akhirnya bisa kasih great influence sama masyarakat di belahan dunia yang lain. Sampe-sampe, negara-negara Asia lainnya, kayak Indonesia dan Malaysia ini, juga mencoba bikin sesuatu yang mirip sama yang ada di Korea sono, yaitu vocal grup yang biasa disebut boyband atau girlband.

Apapun komentar dari aksi pembuatan vocal grup ala Korea di negara-negara lainnya, intinya saya kagum sama Korea dan para pelaku industri entertainment-nya, karena hal ini nunjukkin kalo Korea punya ciri khas yang unik dan digemari sama banyak orang, plus laku dijual di pasar, bahkan pasar internasional. Kalo ngga bagus, pasti ngga ada yang meniru kan? Yang meniru kan pasti juga awalnya timbul niat karena ngeliat kesuksesan dari apa yang dia tiru, dan meniru dengan maksud ingin mendapatkan kesuksesan seperti yang ditiru.

Lagi, intinya disini bukan tentang masalah salah atau bener pihak-pihak yang meniru itu, atau bagus enggaknya hasil dari 'tiruan' mereka. Disini saya cuma mau bilang "Salut buat Korea for the influence!"

Saturday, 18 June 2011

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui,sedang kamu tidak mengetahui."
(QS Al baqarah : 216)

Everything Happens For a Reason

Image source: Google

Sering kali saya mengeluh, sedih, dan kecewa waktu keadaan berjalan ngga sesuai sama keinginan. Waktu kelas batal, padahal udah engap lari-lari dari kosan sampe keringetan dan ngos-ngosan; waktu koneksi internet lambat, padahal deadline kirim email tugas tinggal hitungan jari tangan kanan doang; atau waktu laptop nge-hang saat tugas makalah belom di save. Pokoknya, betenya sampe ke ubun-ubun.

Tapi sebetulnya, setelah dilirik-lirik lagi, bisa keliatan kalo selalu ada satu hikmah dari segala sesuatu yang terjadi.  Hanya jika kita mau coba lihat dari perspektif yang berbeda dan berusaha untuk tetap berpikir positif. Saya punya teman yang bisa berpandangan positif dalam menyikapi setiap keadaan yang dia alami, mau lagi susah, mau lagi senang, dia tetap bisa lihat sisi positifnya. Kalo lagi susah, dia tetap bisa optimis dan tidak putus asa karena dia positive thinking; waktu lagi senang, dia juga tetap ada di zona 'sadar' dan ngga lantas terlena sama yang lagi dia dapat. Positive thinking membuat kita bisa jadi pribadi yang bersyukur, namun tetap antisipatif.

Selain itu, kalo dilirik-lirik juga, sebenarnya selalu ada alasan kenapa sesuatu terjadi, jadi sebetulnya ngga ada yang perlu disayangkan atau dikecewakan. Mau itu menyenangkan maupun bikin kesel, I do believe that everything happens for a reason. Kembali lagi, tergantung gimana kita menyikapinya.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

All Participants and Some Schedule's Detail

Baru aja buka email dan ternyata ada email dari panitia IIW 2011, isi emailnya tentang pemberitahuan list peserta dan detail acara selama kegiatan Indonesia International Week 2011 berlangsung.

Jadi, ada total 17 mahasiswa dan mahasiswi yang akan ikut IIW tahun ini. Lima dari Indonesia termasuk saya, dan 12 sisanya dari luar negeri (2 Belgia, 3 Spanyol, 2 China, 1 Turki, 1 Argentina, 1 Finlandia, 1 Swiss dan 1 Togo). Agak kecewa karena ternyata ngga ada peserta yang dari Jerman -_-

Selain itu, ada beberapa penjelasan mengenai detail-detail yang cukup penting sebelum, saat, dan sesudah acara ini berlangsung. Actually, penjelasan ini mungkin lebih ditujukan kepada partisipan dari luar kali ya, seperti misalnya Clothes Suggestion, yang menyarankan peserta untuk membawa casual wear karena di Indonesia sedang musim panas (is it? :p), dan juga beberapa pakaian formal untuk beberapa event, contohnya Opening Ceremony. Selanjutnya, dikasih tahu juga kalo nanti akan ada "Country Presentation" dan "Cross Cultural Night". Sounds exicting, rite? :) Teruus, ada juga info hotel dan flight schedule saat mobilisasi dari Jogja ke Bali dan dari Bali ke Jakarta. Kalo dari Jakarta ke Jogja, nanti naik Kereta Api. Ada juga outline schedule dari awal sampai akhir kegiatan yang disisipin di attachment, jadi dari situ peserta jadi tau deh mereka mau dibawa kemana aja dan ngapain aja selama kegiatan. I'll tell you later about it, biar surprise, haha.

That email do makes me feel more and more excited, really! Tapi sekarang belum saatnya untuk fokus sama International Week, karena masih ada Final Exam Week yang lebih menegangkan.

So, have a happy day and wish me luck on my Final Exam tests!

Annisa Sudibyo

Monday, 13 June 2011

Learn The Sign, Please

Actually I don't want to be fussy about this, but things are getting really annoying lately. It is not a big deal, actually. It's just me who feel irritated by 'those kind of tweeps'. Yeah, we are talking about twitter land right now.

So, have you ever meet 'those kind of tweeps'?

Okay, let me explain you first what I mean by 'those kind of tweeps'.
They are them who always too-much-concern about their followers, curious about the reason why someone's unfollowing them, and say 'thank you' for someone who has just unfollowed them. (I don't really get the last point, seriously).

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Buku Kumpulan Cerpen Gokil

Finally the book is out, blopple!
What kind of book is it? Lemme tell you! : )

Indonesia International Week 2011

Heeellooo all, take a look on this picture below.

So, what is Indonesia International Week?

Friday, 10 June 2011

Laporan di Bulan Juni

Okay, hi again!

No more excuse reasons for not posting anything on this blog, karena memang dasar sayanya yang lagi males ngetik, hehe :p.... and actually, many things happened di satu bulan terakhir ini, dan many things are kept unsaid because I didn't type it down here... my bad... -___-

So... the wedding is over, people! and so sorry because I cannot post some photos of it, karena belum sempat dicopy, kameranya udah dibawa hijrah ke pulau Bangka... -___-

Then... what else?

Bulan Mei ada MagStorm, acara talk show eksternal pertama yang diadakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Manajemen Universitas Bakrie (HMM UB), daaaaan.... acaranya sukses besar! Yippieee...!
Bulan Juni udah ngga ada lagi sibuk organisasi, karena sudah turun jabatan, hehe. Jadi sekarang bisa kuliah-pulang-kuliah-pulang deh...
Bulan Mei lagi, ada sidang pertanggungjawaban pengurus HMM UB periode 2010/2011, yang alhamdulillah lancar.
Bulan Mei lagi, I got a good news! I am accepted as one of the participant of Indonesia International Week, 2011 the event will be held on July 2nd-13th, Jakarta-Jogja-Bali. So-d*mn-excited!
Bulan Juni ini, ada Final Exam! hu-ha-hu-ha #PrayForMePlease

Oke, akhir kata, because I have got nothing to type anymore, semoga semuanya lancar-car-car-car!
Baybay blopples! Salam muka datar! -__-

Annisa Sudibyo

Friday, 29 April 2011

April Post!

Feels like it's been a year with no posting on this lovely blog page, deeply sorry for ignoring you blopples.
I'm not that busy, actually. It was just me who didn't recharge my modem pulse for a month because I was having my mid-term exam, so I couldn't do browsing, surfing, nor blogging. *goofy face*

And now, I-am-back! after recharge my modem, I am able to do blogging, again, yeah! *exaggerated*
Actually, I do the replenishment because there were a trouble with my campus Wi-Fi. Someone (or more) cheated with the connection and make it as fast as snail. They use a netcut! (͡-̯͡-)
So, I had to bring my modem anywhere I go to keep connected to the internet. That's why I recharge it.
But, the problem've been solved, fortunately. *let's say thanks to God☺

So, I've finished my mid-term exam for this semester. I am doing well... ...wait, am I?
That's that, I've done (maybe) my best. And the marks have uploaded by the lecturers. All my marks are by far good... but one. But I won't tell you because it's one of my top secrets, huhehehe.

I was home last week to prepare my kebaya for my uncles' wedding 2 weeks over. And I have 2 kebayas! :) Maybe I could post the picture right as soon. Feel so excited to the D-day!

In campus, I am (still) joining several committees, in a different position of each. I have MagStorm, Keputrian Akbar, Taekwondo regeneration event, and blah blah blah. I enjoy it, though.

My new-short-run plans?
running back my reseller activities, send an application form for Indonesian International Week (check it here!), and buying a new 'something'. Hehe. Oh ya! one more, keep posting on this lovely honey bunny bloggy :))

Annisa Sudibyo

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Some Pieces of Saturday


Saturday, March 26th 2011. Pasar Jatinegara, Bus 948, Restoran Seafood.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Gara-Gara Si Oom

Kemarin-kemarin ada yang tanya "Mana ceritanya?" "Boleh lihat ga cerpennya?" "Tentang apa ceritanya?"
So, here it is, Cerpen yang kemarin dilombakan di Lomba Menulis Cerpen-nya Sekolah Tinggi Menulis Jogja, dan Thanks God ada diurutan buncit, nomor 9 dari 10 pemenang cerpen kategori Gokil. Selamat membaca!

“Cari Oom-Oom yuk Ghin!”. Aku langsung menghentikan langkahku begitu mendengar omongan ngaco temanku satu ini.

“Hah? gila kamu Wid!”, timpalku sambil melotot ke arah Widya, kaget.

“Lho, ya kan iseng aja Ghin. Siapa tahu nanti kita bisa dibayarin, biasanya kan Oom-Oom suka begitu, hihihi”, balas Widya konyol sambil cekikikan.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Street singing Alias Me-nga-men

Lagi banyak yang mau dipost sebenernya disini, tapi males ngetiknya dan lagi susah waktunya. Jadi dicicil dulu ya satu-satu, hehehe.

Owwaight, sekarang cerita kejadian malem Sabtu dulu yaaa.

Day, Date: Saturday (Night), March 11, 2011
Time: around 9.00 p.m

Place: Tebet Utara Dalam

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Another Repentance

This is such a horrible day for me and I hate myself for today.
You know why? Because I-AM-LATE (again) for the don't-know-how-many time.
Ya ya, I know I'm terrible on coming on-time. I have known that for sooo long time ago. But, I'm still a great late-comer 'till now.
Doesn't mean that I don't ever try to change that bad habit, I do want to change and I have been trying, yeah, maybe I'm just not success yet.

So, from what I had on this second day of March, now I come for 3 quick resolutions, and I'm really really mean it. Trust me! hehe :)

1. First of all, BE ON TIME!
I am trying to come on time and avoid lateness. I have to. I absolutely have to.

2. Stop Procrastinating!
Procrastinating never helps, or at least soo seldom helps. it makes things worse.
Wasting time for something unimportant is so BIG-NO-NO. So I have to stop being a procrastinator. I don't wanna be a devil's friend. And I don't wanna spend my whole day just like this:

3. Being Diligent and Discipline is a must.
No excuse for my self and always try and try and try again to be a discipline person.
Actually, my daddy often talks about this topic with me. He knows me so well actually, but I just never listen and never do what he ask me to do, I mean, being a discipline person.
So, what do I have to do then?
Um... I have to train myself to be more discipline than ever. No Excuse for myself and Never will be. Yak!

This is not the first time I decide to make a resolution. I have made it so many times. But they're just end up with no realization. So, consistency is urgently needed here, for sure.  Don't give up, talk less do more and keep trying, myself!

Sunday, 13 February 2011

How to Cope with?

Have you ever feel that sometimes things go out of our expectation?
Ya, kita memang ngga bisa selalu mendapati bahwa kenyataan akan terus sesuai sama yang kita harapkan dan apa yang sudah kita rencanakan. Tapi untuk bisa selalu deal sama setiap keadaan yang kita alami, itu juga bukan perkara gampang, menurut saya.
Sometimes, muncul rasa kesal, atau sedih, atau marah, atau apapun. Rasa yang nunjukin kalo kita masih belum bisa deal and cope with the situation.

I feel it so many times.
Bahkan beberapa jam yang lalu pun saya masih mengalaminya. When things go wrong -wrong because it's not same with what we expect-, and we feel hard to accept it.
Rasa kaget, ga terima, kesal, marah, sedih, semuanya campur baur jadi satu.
But, what do I really get in the end? Marah-marah dan ga terima toh tetep ga bisa merubah keadaan jadi lebih baik. Yang ada justru kita feel more, more, and more bad and also dissapointed.

Pada akhirnya, kita ga bisa merubah apapun yang emang udah terjadi. Apalagi dengan marah-marah dan kepala yang ngga dingin. Mau kita ngga terima, atau kita ga suka, pada akhirnya toh tetap harus kita hadapi juga. Why? Because we cannot control the environment. Mungkin untuk beberapa kejadian-kejadian ga diinginkan, kita masih bisa bikin antisipasinya, contoh sederhananya, belajar yang rajin supaya ga terima kabar kalo kita failed di salah satu subject mata kuliah. Atau sarapan sebelum beraktivitas supaya ngga kelaparan pas lagi ngerjain sesuatu. Tapi, ada kejadian-kejadian yang out of our control, kayak misalnya musibah kecelakaan atau traffic jam, atau kabar dan kejadian buruk yang kita ga sangka-sangka.

So, how to solve this? How to cope with?
Memang, as I have written before, we cannot control the environment. Buuut... We're still able to control our reaction to it. Kita masih bisa pilih, reaksi apa yang bakal kita keluarin saat kita menghadapi suatu kejadian. Mau dengan marah-marah kah? Atau mau dengan kepala dingin kah?
Up to you.

Yang perlu kita pahami supaya kita bisa kontrol reaksi kita adalah sebab dan akibat dari tiap-tiap reaksi itu sendiri. Kira-kira kalo kita sedih dan ga terima, ada manfaatnya ga ya? Kira-kira kalo saya lapang dada dan cari alternatif penyelesaian masalahnya, bisa berguna ga ya? Yang mana ya yang lebih baik buat saya pilih?
Bla bla bla bla bla, dan semua itu tergantung sama kita. Think before we act, and listen before we speak. Itu sih yang menurut saya bisa berguna supaya bisa deal sama apapun masalah, keadaan, dan lingkungan yang kita hadapi. Intinya pertimbangan dan pemikiran yang panjang. Jangan mau kalah sama nafsu buat marah-marah atau rasa putus asa yang bisa bikin sedih.
Hidup kita, kita sendiri yang mengalami, kita sendiri yang tau gimana caranya menciptakan hidup yang terbaik.
Go find happiness, blopples. Because we deserve it. And just let go of something that is not good for you, because you deserve better.

With love,
Annisa Sudibyo

Friday, 4 February 2011

Friday Bloody Friday

Hai bloppers sekalian, Happy Friday all!
Ciyee udah hari Jumat aja ya blop, artinya apa coba? weekend start!
Weekend = harga tiket bioskop udah lebih mahal = jalanan tambah macet = tempat-tempat hiburan plus resto-resto tambah padet = yagitudeh. (apasih?)

Um, okay, kali ini ga ada hal spesifik yang mau saya post, jadi izinkan saya untuk ngetik ngalor-ngidul dan membuat posting kali ini jadi agak kriuk-kriuk-crispy alias garing, okeyy? hahaha.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Annyeong Haseyo Dong Hae

Annyeong Haseyo! 안녕하세요

Hai kamu artis Korea yang namanya Lee Dong Hae! Mungkin kalo surat ini bisa bener-bener sampe ke tangan kamu, aku ga yakin kamu bisa ngerti dan paham sama apa yang aku tulis. Tapi aku lebih ga yakin lagi kalo mesti disuruh nulis surat cinta pake bahasa Korea. Nol Besaaar! Bahkan sebetulnya kalo mau jujur, aku sama sekali ga ngerti arti kalimat pertama yang aku tulis di surat cinta ini, apalagi huruf-huruf bulat yang menurutku lebih mirip cendol ijo-ijo kesukaanya para kaskuser, hehehe.

Lah terus kenapa aku tulis surat cinta buat kamu dong ya Dong Hae?

Monday, 31 January 2011

Saturday Night at d'ocean Seafood Resto

My college friends and I went to d’ocean restaurant to have a dinner this Saturday night. Actually, we were all being treated by 4 of my friends because they have just had their birthday.

Quoted from d’ocean website, here is the explanation:

“d’ocean is a family restaurant with specially assorted seafood dishes such as prawns, squid, crab, fish and clams. Combination of local spices with a unique cooking technique prepared by professional and experienced chefs, creating dishes with appealing presentations and authentic traditional taste. The essence of the dishes are found in its freshness and premium ingredients originated ranging from Sabang to Merauke, combined with an excellent mixture of spices. Explore the unforgettable dining experience at d’ocean premium seafood restaurant with the comfortable and cozy atmosphere.”

In my own opinion, interior of D'Ocean is quite modern, this restaurant has two floors with a capacity of 150 people, more or less. And yeah, this is a cozy and comfy place with delicious-prizy foods. But I think the prize is quite worth with what we get and what they serve.

Wanna see how that place interior looks like, here it is. I googled it because I didn’t take any picture on that night. 

 Source: here

How about the menu? Actually I have lil bit forget what we ordered on that night. But I still remember some. Here is the easiest menu to be memorized, Tahu Telur Merapi! I remember this one because of its unique name and appearance. It was made of tofu covered by eggs.

 Source: here

Next, another menu that I can still remember is this one, Udang Galah Bakar Saus Madu (Grilled Prawns with Honey Sauce). Here's the picture. 

 Source: here

As far as I remember, we also ordered Hot Plate Kangkung Lombok Balacan (Lombok Swam Cabbage Balacan on Hot Plate) and some more that I cannot remember any longer. -_-

Last, this is the address of this seafood resto, try it sometimes, blopples!

Komplek Tendean Square 1-1A

Kapten Tendean Wolter Mongisidi 122-124
Jakarta Indonesia

Phone: 021 7278 9777

*updated* The restaurant have moved somewhere else when I last pass Tendean Street. :|


Annisa Sudibyo

Good Night, Sleep Tight

My insomnia is getting worse, blopple!
It is already 6.13 morning here, but I haven't take some sleep yet, even just for a minute. Oh my God, somehow I scare with this condition. This is the most bad effect after had an exam, always. I cannot fix my sleep schedule so that I will always wake up in the night, and take a long-sleep in the morning until afternoon.
Call me a nocturnal mammal then. I know that this is not good at all for my body, but I still find a way to get rid of this bad habit. Do one of you have some tips 'n trick to help me heal my insomnia? Tell me soon, then.

I have an appointment today, this afternoon. So I think better I take some sleep now, 4 or 5 hours before I go out. I don't wanna have 'a panda eyes' so I have and have to sleep, sleep, and sleep.

Happy Sunday all, and good night for my self, have a nice sleep!

Friday Night at d'cost Plaza Semanggi

Hi, blopples!
Last Friday Night (January, 28th 2011), I and eleven of my friends were having a regular social gathering, or usually called 'arisan' in this country. Girls time! For this month, we choose d'cost seafood Plaza Semanggi as the venue. Um... Maybe before I going too far, I will explain you a little about what 'arisan' is, for those of you who don't know yet.

Quoted from wikipedia, here is the description about arisan itself:
"Arisan is an Indonesian social gathering in which a group of friends and relatives meet monthly for a private lottery. Each member of the group deposits a fixed amount of money into a pot, then a name is drawn and that winner takes home the cash. After having won, the winner's name is removed from the pot until each member has won and then the cycle is complete. This is called a fixed lottery because it is fair to all participants in that each member wins an equal amount over the course of a complete cycle."
For me, arisan is not about the money or who will win the cash, it's more about having a quality time with your friends. As usual as always, I love togetherness, and arisan is one that can build a togetherness. So I love Arisaaan!! hahaha.

So, here is the story, the members of this arisan is me, Nana, Uti, Ninda, Tifani, Fara, Clara, Icha, Linda, Rani, Mayang and Dhanti. But sadly, Dhanti couldn't come because she had to meet her father. And, oh yup, we had Fenny too, she is not the member, but she is such a very kind-hearted angel who want to take pictures of us. Here are some of the pictures.

As I have mentioned before, We went to d'cost seafood, it is kind of seafood restaurant
with a quite-affordable price. We were talking, taking photos, and do so many things while waiting for our orders.

Tifani, Fenny, Clara, Fara

me & Tifani

And here they are, we ordered Gurame Asam Manis, Tumis Kangkung Balacan & Sambal Terasi, Gurame Bakar and Cumi Saus Padang (if I'm not mistaken). Um... I googled the photos because I didn't take any photos of foods. But, don't worry, this is similar enough with what we ate. If it's compared with anothers seafood resto, d'cost is quite cheap and affordable, and the service is good enough. You should come here together with your friends or family so that you can share the order, I mean, It's quite impossible to eat one Gurame Asam Manis by yourself, rite? haha.

Tumis Kangkung Balacan & Sambal Terasi (source)

 Cumi Saus Padang (Padang Sauce Squid)  (source)
Gurame Asam Manis (source)

Over all, I love this night, nice gathering, and I feel so full! hahaha. And, oh yup, we got two winners this time, because we'll have a holiday on February, so we cannot meet up each other on that month. So, here they are, Icha & Linda! The winner of January and February. Look at what Linda hold, oh, they must be so happy during the holiday :)

Icha and Linda

Happy Holiday all!
Annisa Sudibyo